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FAQ: Bo och Arbeta i Dublin

#1165 2012-07-02, 13:07
Ursprungligen postat av mot.pride
Gutt! Själv ska jag göra andra testet på måndag, hoppas på det bästa!

Gjort testet/hört något nytt?
#1166 2012-07-02, 13:13
Ursprungligen postat av zxq
Gjort testet/hört något nytt?

Gjorde testet för 1 timme sedan, gick väldigt bra enligt Louise på CPL. Så nu har jag telefonintervju på onsdag! Känns väldigt bra just nu!
#1167 2012-07-02, 14:53
Ursprungligen postat av mot.pride
Gjorde testet för 1 timme sedan, gick väldigt bra enligt Louise på CPL. Så nu har jag telefonintervju på onsdag! Känns väldigt bra just nu!

Härligt, härligt! Telefonintervjun är nog det enklaste i hela processen Antar att du har fått "fusklappen" inför telefonintervjun?

Själv sitter jag och väntar på vidare kontakt med CPL, hade min intervju i fredags och har inte hört något sedan dess :'(
#1168 2012-07-02, 15:22
Ursprungligen postat av zxq
Härligt, härligt! Telefonintervjun är nog det enklaste i hela processen Antar att du har fått "fusklappen" inför telefonintervjun?

Själv sitter jag och väntar på vidare kontakt med CPL, hade min intervju i fredags och har inte hört något sedan dess :'(

Någon fusklapp har jag inte fått.. Dokumenten hon bifogade i mailet var dessa:

Cpl Integrated Services - Benefits.pdf
Cpl Integrated Services - Coming to Ireland.pdf
Interview Prep.doc
Questions - with instructions.doc
Technical Support Analyst Level 1.doc

Tar nog någon dag eller 2 innan CPL ringer upp, så länge det inte tar mer än någon vecka borde det vara lugnt!
#1169 2012-07-02, 15:26
Ursprungligen postat av mot.pride
Någon fusklapp har jag inte fått.. Dokumenten hon bifogade i mailet var dessa:

Cpl Integrated Services - Benefits.pdf
Cpl Integrated Services - Coming to Ireland.pdf
Interview Prep.doc
Questions - with instructions.doc
Technical Support Analyst Level 1.doc

Tar nog någon dag eller 2 innan CPL ringer upp, så länge det inte tar mer än någon vecka borde det vara lugnt!

Interview Prep.doc
Questions - with instructions.doc
Dom lär vara fusklappar (?)

Det här fick jag skickat till mig iallafall;

Tillsammans med något i stil med detta;
[...] if you pass this interview, the job is yours. [...]
#1170 2012-07-02, 15:35
Ursprungligen postat av zxq
Interview Prep.doc
Questions - with instructions.doc
Dom lär vara fusklappar (?)

Det här fick jag skickat till mig iallafall;

Tillsammans med något i stil med detta;
[...] if you pass this interview, the job is yours. [...]

Faktiskt inte!
Interview Prep.doc var bara tips inför en vanlig intervju


Here are some useful tips for preparing for your interview.

First Impressions
• Be well prepared--know who you are meeting and the interviewers' position in the
• Do some research on the company - always check the website
• Be on time, if not early
• ‘Dress appropriately smart / professional
• Be polite to support staff - receptionists etc.
• Make eye contact immediately when greeted
• Smile and be friendly
• Give a confident handshake
• Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you

The Interview
Show interest in the job and the company
Be enthusiastic
Have an easy non-work related topic of conversation ready to discuss
Be relaxed and don't slouch
Position yourself so that your body is facing the other person
Watch your body language--do not cross your arms
Make regular eye contact but not for long
Let the interviewer lead the conversation
Listen carefully to the questions asked and ask them to repeat or re-phrase the
question if you are unclear
Be honest with your answers-do not bluff
Answer what you have been asked and try not to go off on tangents
Do not interrupt the interviewer
Don't pretend to know everything-this can often put the interviewer off
Ask questions throughout the interview (not just at the end) about the role, the
company and the nature of the business

Some Sample Questions you may be asked at an interview:
Tell me about a time when you had to work against strict time constraints?
What procedures have you followed in order to prioritise your work in the past?
What sort of things do you find distracting when you are trying to work? And, how
do you deal with them?
What activities have you undertaken as part of a team?
Tell me about a time when things were particularly hectic? How did you feel? And,
what steps did you take to deal with the pressure?
Why do you want a job in our company and what will you bring to the position?
Why do you want to leave your current position?
What type of company can you see yourself fitting into?
Why should we take you on board?
Have you ever had to deal with a difficult customer and how did you handle it?
What are your key strengths and/or weaknesses?
Make sure that you are able to answer these questions by providing the interviewer
with specific examples.

Och Questions - with instructions.doc var inte roligare än såhär:


The questions below are situational. In other words, you need to give an
example of a time in a previous job where you did the following things. It
is best to use examples of past situations in a workplace, but if this is not
possible, use examples from college or in an organisation, or perhaps in a
sport group.

Make sure you understand exactly what these questions are asking. Write
down your responses and feel comfortable with them.

The best way to answer these questions is to begin by describing where you
were at the time (eg. When I was working at ‘Microsoft’), describe the task
and what you did, and finish with a result (eg. We succeeded in the task and
were given a bonus).

Please call me if you need some assistance.

Example Interview Questions:

1. Describe a situation where you went beyond customer expectation.

2. Describe a situation where you had a complex problem and explain
how you resolve it.

3. Describe a situation where you had communication difficulty and what
was your response.

4. Describe a situation where you had a goal and a task to achieve but
you had a lack of resources.

5. How do your team manager or colleagues describe you?

6. Describe a situation where you exceeded work performance.

7. Describe a situation where you had to use strong commitments.

8. How do you ensure that you are learning?

Så jag tackar så hemskt mycket för det du bifogade!
#1171 2012-07-02, 15:48
Ursprungligen postat av mot.pride
Faktiskt inte!
Interview Prep.doc var bara tips inför en vanlig intervju


Here are some useful tips for preparing for your interview.

First Impressions
• Be well prepared--know who you are meeting and the interviewers' position in the
• Do some research on the company - always check the website
• Be on time, if not early
• ‘Dress appropriately smart / professional
• Be polite to support staff - receptionists etc.
• Make eye contact immediately when greeted
• Smile and be friendly
• Give a confident handshake
• Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you

The Interview
Show interest in the job and the company
Be enthusiastic
Have an easy non-work related topic of conversation ready to discuss
Be relaxed and don't slouch
Position yourself so that your body is facing the other person
Watch your body language--do not cross your arms
Make regular eye contact but not for long
Let the interviewer lead the conversation
Listen carefully to the questions asked and ask them to repeat or re-phrase the
question if you are unclear
Be honest with your answers-do not bluff
Answer what you have been asked and try not to go off on tangents
Do not interrupt the interviewer
Don't pretend to know everything-this can often put the interviewer off
Ask questions throughout the interview (not just at the end) about the role, the
company and the nature of the business

Some Sample Questions you may be asked at an interview:
Tell me about a time when you had to work against strict time constraints?
What procedures have you followed in order to prioritise your work in the past?
What sort of things do you find distracting when you are trying to work? And, how
do you deal with them?
What activities have you undertaken as part of a team?
Tell me about a time when things were particularly hectic? How did you feel? And,
what steps did you take to deal with the pressure?
Why do you want a job in our company and what will you bring to the position?
Why do you want to leave your current position?
What type of company can you see yourself fitting into?
Why should we take you on board?
Have you ever had to deal with a difficult customer and how did you handle it?
What are your key strengths and/or weaknesses?
Make sure that you are able to answer these questions by providing the interviewer
with specific examples.

Och Questions - with instructions.doc var inte roligare än såhär:


The questions below are situational. In other words, you need to give an
example of a time in a previous job where you did the following things. It
is best to use examples of past situations in a workplace, but if this is not
possible, use examples from college or in an organisation, or perhaps in a
sport group.

Make sure you understand exactly what these questions are asking. Write
down your responses and feel comfortable with them.

The best way to answer these questions is to begin by describing where you
were at the time (eg. When I was working at ‘Microsoft’), describe the task
and what you did, and finish with a result (eg. We succeeded in the task and
were given a bonus).

Please call me if you need some assistance.

Example Interview Questions:

1. Describe a situation where you went beyond customer expectation.

2. Describe a situation where you had a complex problem and explain
how you resolve it.

3. Describe a situation where you had communication difficulty and what
was your response.

4. Describe a situation where you had a goal and a task to achieve but
you had a lack of resources.

5. How do your team manager or colleagues describe you?

6. Describe a situation where you exceeded work performance.

7. Describe a situation where you had to use strong commitments.

8. How do you ensure that you are learning?

Så jag tackar så hemskt mycket för det du bifogade!

Drar min handläggare en liten fuling för att hjälpa mig att få jobbet!
Han körde även en genomgång med mig för att se så mina svar var bra nog, både till rollspelet och dom vanliga frågorna! (Han var noga att påpeka att man inte ska försöka "för mycket" på rollspelet, utan det är bättre om man nollar hjärnan - för dom vill att man ska börja med grundläggande (dumma) frågor, då det ofta är problemet hos användarna samt att rollspelet bara är för att se hur du bemöter kunder)

Du har inte lust att dela med dig av Cpl Integrated Services - Coming to Ireland.pdf - den har inte jag fått!
#1172 2012-07-02, 15:58
Ursprungligen postat av zxq
Drar min handläggare en liten fuling för att hjälpa mig att få jobbet!
Han körde även en genomgång med mig för att se så mina svar var bra nog, både till rollspelet och dom vanliga frågorna! (Han var noga att påpeka att man inte ska försöka "för mycket" på rollspelet, utan det är bättre om man nollar hjärnan - för dom vill att man ska börja med grundläggande (dumma) frågor, då det ofta är problemet hos användarna)

Du har inte lust att dela med dig av Cpl Integrated Services - Coming to Ireland.pdf - den har inte jag fått!

Visst kan jag göra det!

#1173 2012-07-03, 11:00
CPL ringde precis, telefonintervjun gick som önskat! Idag skulle det ringa en svensk för en sista formell del, SVENSKT språktest.
Skulle inte vara några problem då det är mitt modersmål.

Lite jobbigt att det var fotboll igår bara.. Har inte mycket till röst kvar..
#1174 2012-07-03, 15:42
Ni som Jobbar på HP bodde ni på Moat Lodge B&B första dagarna? isf är det långt till HP därifrån?
Samt om det är någon som har ett rum över så är jag jätteintresserad
#1175 2012-07-03, 15:58
Ursprungligen postat av frysy
Ni som Jobbar på HP bodde ni på Moat Lodge B&B första dagarna? isf är det långt till HP därifrån?
Samt om det är någon som har ett rum över så är jag jätteintresserad

Vi verkar ju vara ett gäng som har sökt och det har gått bra för nu, kanske skulle vara aktuellt för oss att snacka ihop oss och försöka skaffa boende tillsammans, bra mycket billigare så!

När man talar om trollen, medan jag skrev detta så ringde dom och körde den sista delen i rekryteringen med mig
#1176 2012-07-03, 17:26
Bra jobbat

Eftersom ni inte kommer jobba hos det Blå laget så syns vi väl ute på stan någon helg istället